Monday, September 18, 2006

13 days and counting

Saturday was interesting and disappointing...I did a timed run. 5 boxes (30 total burgers), I figured if I could get 20 in the first 3 minutes I was well on my way to my goal number of 40. I was nervous for some reason and I'm usually not for a simple training run. I think now that I've decided to take competitive eating to a new level. From simply a hobby to a real goal oriented task of cracking the IFOCE top ten, currently I'm 43rd.

Things started out great I felt comfortable and was moving @ a good pace...The first 17 went down like butter. My rhythm felt good. I was getting just enough water that it was 2 bites per burger and both went relatively clean. The occasional extra chew or two but nothing to raise concern. 18 hit and I didn't dunk it long enough and it was dry. It got stuck in my esophagus, not enough to block my air way but enough that I needed to chug some water. I figured I needed to treat this as game day situation, so I had to find a way to fight through it...19 went down but I could feel it stacking up. 20 went down in 3:11 and made it way right back out at 3:12...I frigin puked...Not allot and I probably could have swallowed it down and went further...But swallowing my own puke if for game day only...The good part was a I wasn't full. Not even close. I actually chugged about a half gallon of water after...To make up for the ten I didn't finish.

It was annoying and somewhat of a setback, but a good learning experience

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