Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Wing bowl

Seems all I write about anymore is cartoons that make me laugh and Pictures w/ satirical remarks...But not anymore. OK who am I kidding I love those things...But I did my first trial run of my wing bowl stunt. I did a run of baked beans, 3lbs in 1:06. I was quite happy with this for a few reasons. First because it was my first run and as we all know you work the kinks out. And I think I have a few ways to cut down that time by 10-15 seconds. The second reason is I really am feeling good about how I have grown as an eater over the past two years...

1 comment:

Dave S. said...

Awesome. Yeah, Boone has the record. Maybe you can buy like 80 cans of beans and take the little glob of pork fat from each one and eat that!

That would be awesome! (I'm heaving a little bit just thinking about it.)