Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Just Say Congratulation, shut the F'ck up and move on...

Why can't anyone just say congratulations and move on...

Why is it you try to share a special moment w/ people that you think are your friends and you get replies like "I could do that" or "why would you want to do that???"
To those of you who swear they can could eat 4.7 pounds of Shoo Fly Pie in 84 minutes, or 67 Wings in 14 minutes or 15 Hot Dogs in 12 minutes...Please SHUT UP put your money where your mouth is and come w/ me to an event...Pick one I'll eat anything. Don't tell me it easy, don't ask me how F'ing hard can it be, and please don't tell me for the 20th time if you let your insulin drop you could eat pounds and pounds of anything...Trust me you will puke before I'm even full
To the rest of you who can not offer a simple congratulations for the completion of the Triathlon, please know a few things yes you might be able to do the run and may you could do the ride, and I'm sure the swim would be easy for you...The problem is you won't do it you will sit on your ass, and make stupid f'ing comments about how you can do anything I can do, but won't put your ass out there, I might have failed, but I didn't... and even if I had, at least I tried.
In hind sight there are very very few people who could have done both the pie and the Tri in less than 24 hours. One of the few that could is Steakbellie, and his reply to my acheivment, "congrats I'm proud". Eric thank you, you are a true friend
To the rest of you, join me in one or the other or both, if you think you can...But if your not going to atleast try SHUT THE FK UP

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